What is it ?
The Apprenticeship Levy is a new tax that will take effect in April 2017. The Apprenticeship Levy is designed to create a new fund that will pay for the training of three million apprentices in the UK by 2020. It affects all UK organisations with a PAYE wage bill of £3m or more. If that applies to you or your organisation, a fee equal to 0.5% of the payroll will be collected by HMRC from May 2017.
The good news is that we can help you turn the Levy to your advantage and with careful planning you can recover 100% of the Levy you have paid. Long before the Levy was announced, we’ve been assisting hundreds of public and private employers source and employ thousands of apprentices, and in the run-up to its introduction in 2017, we’re gearing up to help many more with a full range of apprenticeship levy management services
We provide a free advisory service to help you understand how it all works and to make sure that you recover 100% of your levy and spend it with maximum impact. We support this advice with a full range of services designed to create and manage great apprenticeships within your organisation.
How does it work?
There’s still a lot being done behind the scenes at the Department of Education sorting out all the operational detail and you can keep up to date with this by signing up to our Apprenticeship Levy News (sign up at the bottom of this page). All the key decisions have been taken though, and in headline terms it looks like this:
- HMRC collect 0.5% of your payroll monthly
- Funds collected are credited to your online ‘levy account’
- Your credits are topped up by10% from the government
- You recruit apprentices and/or ask your existing employees to undertake apprenticeship training
- Then you find one or more approved training providers
- You transfer your levy credits to the provider(s) to pay for the training
Sounds simple ? Well, yes and no. There are a lot of things you’ll need to know and do to ensure that this all works for your organisation and that’s where our apprenticeship levy services are deigned to help
How do you recover the cost?
The short answer is that you recover your apprenticeship levy by training apprentices.
If you train the right number of staff, using an approved apprenticeship training provider, completing relevant apprenticeship ‘standards’ or ‘frameworks’ and you plan this in an effective way you can not only recover your levy you can draw down much more than you paid in.
But you have to get the planning, set up and delivery right and that’s what our apprenticeship levy services help you do.
We publish a monthly update on policy and implications of the levy and how it will effect employers. Join our list to receive your updates – use the form at the bottom of this page.